Monkey Rock


Monkey Rock (1995) began life as The Primates, a play originally written by Mark Beeson in 1983 with the stage in mind but adapted for radio and broadcast as an afternoon play, directed by Richard Wortley, on BBC Radio 4 in 1985. The Primates became Monkey Rock with the addition of a significant number of teenage characters, and was performed by MED Theatre in Manaton, Moretonhampstead, Dunsford and Leusdon halls. It was the last of MED Theatre’s big cast, end-on verse comedies (The HedgeThe Swallows, The Green Woman, The Salmon, The Bees, and The Wilderness were the others).

You can find out more information about Mark’s work as a primatologist and how it led to the development of MED Theatre on our Dartmoor Resource website here: MED Theatre and Mark Beeson

Tom Greeves as Dr Tom Monkhurst, showing visitors round his camp in Everforest, while his research students do their chores in the background. (Recorded in VHS).